pre- Sedation INSTRUCTIONS
We strive to provide you with comprehensive dental, periodontal and implant services. Our goal is to achieve your treatment needs in a compassionate, caring and comfortable manner. Despite our best efforts to create a calm and soothing environment, preexisting dental anxiety and apprehension regarding upcoming treatment can be barrier toward proceeding with recommend therapy.
To help with dental anxiety Dr. Hassanpour is trained in and licensed to provide:
- Nitrous oxide mild conscious sedation – “laughing gas”
- Oral moderate conscious sedation – “twilight sedation without needle”
- IV moderate conscious sedation – “twilight sedation”
Nitrous Oxide Pre-Sedation instructions
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING FOR 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Moderate sedation and IV Pre-Sedation instructions
If you are having sedation please careful review the following instructions:
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING FOR 8 hours prior to your appointment. You can drink a small glass of water or other clear liquid for up to two hours before you procedure.
- Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to your moderate sedation appointment.
- Please wear loose comfortable clothing for your appointment with easy access to your arms for IV placements.
- Please arrange to have a responsible adult to accompany you to your appointment. The adult will have to receive post-operative instructions. You will be discharged into the care of the responsible adult. Do not take public transit home.
- The sedated patient must not drive a motor vehicle or operate hazardous machinery for 24 hours following sedation. The sedated patient must also avoid tasks requiring skill, concentration or judgement during this time.
Please note that your appointment will be cancelled if you have not followed the sedation pre-operative instructions and have made arrangements for accompaniment and transportation home.